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PostPosted: Fri 12:19, 22 Apr 2011    Post subject: Fortresses Features in Aion

Each of the three factions are constantly battling for control of the many fortresses within Reshanta. Each fortress gives the controlling faction a deeper foothold in the Abyss from which to base attacks on their enemies. The closer to the heart of Reshanta,cheap wow gold, the more valuable the fortress.
When a faction controls a fortress they will have several amenities available to them. These include a Quartermaster,ffxiv gold, Warehouse Keeper,cheapest ffxiv gil, and Soul Healer. Also, some fortresses may have a Fortress Transporter,buy ffxiv gil, which will allow you to travel to other fortresses to help defend them. Controlling fortresses within the Abyss allows one’s faction to get deeper into Reshanta and closer to their enemy. This allows battle-lines to be drawn closer to your enemy’s landing,Aion kinah, thus giving you a base from which to stage attacks into enemy territories as well as ground to retreat to when necessary. However, taking control of a fortress can be a difficult task. You must defeat your enemies and in the process destroy the Fortress Gate to gain entrance. Once inside you can take down the Aetheric field to allow access from the skies above.
Silver and Gold Medals are recieved for successfully attacking or defending fortresses in the Abyss. The type and number of medals you will recieve is based on the grade you have recieved during the fortress siege. This grade is determined by the fortress you are defending or attacking and the number of Abyss Points you have acquired during the siege versus the number of points everyone else who has participated has recieved.

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