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PostPosted: Thu 8:22, 05 May 2011    Post subject: How To Price Your Item Correctly On Ebay

y current ebay dealers often fall into the pricing cage. Either they cost their items too high apt be unsellable alternatively they price it too cheap to make anybody profits.
Some basic information on ebay pricing. Ebay has 3 prices that can be set for an auction.
The "Buy It Now" Price
Allow bidders to purchase the item at a nailed price quickly without waiting for the auction to end. Effectively,air jordan 2clean, it also means the auction will end once it has a bidder. The merely exception will be in dutch auctions.
The Starting Bid Price
Any auction will necessitate a beginning command price. This is the price set along the auctioneer while he/she premier lists the auction.
The Reserve Price
This is the pre-determined price set by the auctioneer. Bids will absence to exceed or equal to the reserve price before it will be sold. If an auction ends with the keep price not creature met, the item will not be sold.
Both the "Buy It Now" and reserve price are optional on ebay.
It is important namely your starting bid price be set low to preoccupy bidders to your auction. My advise would be to set the starting bid as $0.99 or lower. As a rule of thumb, never set it higher than $50.
What do you do then if you can't sell an item underneath a decisive price? The reply is to set a reserve price. That course, you do not must fret approximately selling an item below your profit margin.
Also, it will not influence your response rating.
Another potential pricing publish aboard ebay is boating. Most disagreements between buyers and sellers happen for of boating price.
My counsel would be not to overcharge on shipping since maximum buyers take shipping cost into attention when looking at an auction. Also it is relatively simple for buyers to decide the shipping cost since ebay and maximum shipping services such as USPS and fedex invest 1.
It namely just for sellers to dictate a little for handling charges since it take work to package the item and likewise postage fares. Most purchasers would understand however if feasible,jordan 2011, try to eradicate handling charges except for huge and ponderous items.
It is also important to first find out the mean selling price of your item before even listing it on ebay. This will differentiate you the starting price you ought catalogue and how many is the ending bid.
The most easy way is to explore via the history of the item you are arranging to list on ebay. You tin get a feel for how many your item is worth and even determine the starting bid by browsing additional sellers' items.

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