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PostPosted: Sat 5:52, 14 May 2011    Post subject: outlet gucci Three Ways To Sharpen Your Mind

quality of your mind can make big difference in your life and career. That is especially true because you now live in the age of knowledge.
Those whose minds are sharp will outperform those who don't. Furthermore, those who have sharp minds tend to be productive even in their old age.
By having a sharp mind, you won't just be more productive now. You will also be more productive for longer time.
Therefore it's essential that you do the work to sharpen your mind. What you need to do is exercising your mind.
The more you exercise your mind cheap gucci belts, the sharper it will be. It's just like your muscles: the more you exercise your muscles the stronger they become.
Here I'd like to share with you three ways to keep your mind sharp. They may seem simple but doing them consistently will give you a lot of benefits in the long term.
The key here is consistency. Doing small things consistently will give you more than doing big things occasionally.
These are three ways to do mind exercise:
1. Playing mind-exercising games
To sharpen your mind, playing games that require brain power is a good way. Playing is fun. Therefore, you can train your brain for longer time.
There are many mind games you can choose to play. Chess and Sudoku are two of them. There are still many other good games for your brain.
Of course, to get maximum benefit you should play the games with increasing level of difficulty. You won't get maximum benefit if you just play the games at the same level all the time.
It's just like weight training. If you want to build your muscles, you must lift heavier and heavier weight.
2. Reading old or classic books
Reading classic books is good for exercising your mind because the material is more challenging to read than popular material.
Classic books outlet gucci, unlike many popular materials gucci outlet, can only be understood by thinking a lot. That gives your mind the necessary exercise to grow.
Furthermore, a lot of classic books are available for free on the Internet.
3. Reading academic papers
Not many people like to read academic papers, but it's helpful to sharpen your mind. Why? Because reading academic papers is challenging just like classic books.
By reading academic materials, you can train your logic and add new words to your vocabulary. Many academic papers are available on the Internet.

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