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PostPosted: Sat 9:51, 21 May 2011    Post subject: outlet gucci The Seeds of Love (Or How Not To Be T

With this phrase I was presented the image of a dandelion. I intuitively knew that its yellow petals represented all my “triggers”―past hurts, idiosyncratic irritants, self-righteous protestations―and I watched as they fell away from the flower’s center.

The other day I was trigger-happy. Now, now, don’t deny you don’t get trigger-happy, too… You know, that’s when you just can’t stop complaining and feeling crappy because EVERYTHING triggers you. And even though there’s a part of you that knows it’s useless, there is another side that must simply revel in this blood sport of self-imposed misery, because you just can’t stop. I KNOW I’m not alone on this.
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A glorious seed head emerged―the Seeds of Love―and was released and blown away.
What thanks I give Spirit for this simple and beautiful metaphor outlet gucci! When I stop reacting, those triggers just fall away, allowing me to share something more powerful and sincere with the world around me and within me. Now the trick is to reconnect with this primal wisdom when my next trigger-happy moment strikes!
Anyway, I had been in this not-so-enlightened state for several days was becoming quite sick of myself. Not knowing what else to do, and suspecting there was some deeper cleansing of sorts going on, I settled down to “meditate”. I don’t really follow a strict protocol or discipline. In my world, meditation is equivalent to daydreaming with my eyes closed.

As I felt the familiar pull of a relaxed and receptive state, my mind continued to wander quite contentedly and aimlessly. I quite unexpectedly heard a man’s voice inside my head ask, “Will you let them go?”

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