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PostPosted: Mon 8:34, 30 May 2011    Post subject: cheap shox clearance9Are You Taking Out the Trash

About The Author
Susan Russo is an author and coach who has inspired people from around the world learn the secrets of finding happiness within. Would you like to learn the secrets? Find out how to dramatically improve your life by claiming your FREE "7 Keys to Power" mini report at=>

"Think about any attachments that are depleting your emotional reserves.Consider letting them go." -Oprah Winfrey
Each week on some designated day it's time to take out the trash. You gather it all up, leave it on the curb and viola cheap shox clearance, it's gone. Can you imagine if the garbage collectors went on strike for a month or more having all the garbage sitting around? Not only does it pile up with no room for anything else, the stench would be a bit overwhelming to say the least.
Well, it's the same with your emotional trash. The only difference is we don't get rid of it on a daily, weekly or even monthly basis. Instead we carry it around with us sometimes for years!
Carrying around all of that old garbage usually results in either bitterness, fear, anger, jealousy, revenge, hurt and a lot of other rotten emotions that can eat away at your very core.
You've heard of having a monkey on your back, well this is more like walking around with a dumpster on your back! There isn't one good thing that comes from holding onto old emotional trash except to learn the lessons and throw the rest away.
We all deal with adversities in life. People can hurt you, they can leave you for someone else, they can lie to you, divorce you, betray you, stab you in the back at work, steal from you nike shox classic, beat you, demean you and all of the other garbage that life sometimes throws at you.
But, it's up to you to decide whether you are going to hold onto the stench of past bad memories or pick up the pieces, clear out the junk and move on.
So how do you dump your emotional trash and clean out your mental landfill?
You gather it all together, look at what is causing so much mental clutter and smelling up your mind with rotten emotions i.e. the hurt, regrets cheap Shox Monster, worry, etc. Then decide it's time to rid yourself of all the past garbage that doesn't serve you and get rid of all the stuff you have no more use for anymore.
It's time to designate a mental garbage day for yourself and throw out the trash once and for all. Holding onto the past and dwelling on things that make you feel bad will never do you any good. It will only drag you down and cause you to miss out on really enjoying life.
What's done is done. It's over, kaput, finito, it's behind you. So stop trying to drag it into your future by not letting it go. Leave it where it is and move on.
There isn't anything you can do to change what happened. But you can change whether or not you are going to carry all of the garbage into each day and let it sour your outlook.
When you decide to clear your mind of the past you will open your heart to a whole new outlook and have room for the goodness that is being pushed aside because you're too busy moving around the garbage.
So, dump the junk and free yourself to live with a clear mind, an open heart and breathe in the fresh air that comes along with getting rid of the old and making room for the new!
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