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PostPosted: Sun 6:33, 11 Aug 2013    Post subject: abercrombie and fitch tough economy party poopers

tough economy party poopers beware
On the eve of the Royal wedding experience, The British capital captures the very essence of modernity or globalisation and all the forces will certainly shape the next decade,/p>
You get the impression that the place is advancing, Looking to the future aided by the chaos of a thriving megalopolis,/p>
And yet on top it appears so traditional. Well over two centuries after french guillotined their king and queen, The Brits are unified this week with street parties and flag waving in an orgy of royalist schmaltz. But it functions,/p>
Kate Middleton, The really pretty bride, Is everywhere from huge billboards to the little pictures of her behind taxis driven by skinhead cabbies tattooed with the flag of St George. Her face beams from every magazine pullout,/p>
Kate the darling of middle England is as an alternative to Diana; Which wouldn't be so bad if only she wasn't marrying Diana's son,/p>
But really
Britain is changing when you've got Prince Charles' son, Future King of great britain, Highfiving uk rapper Dizzie Rascal son of a Ghanaian singlemother. Can you presume his father doing that,/p>
Hyde Park is the backyard of Babel, Hundreds of ethnicities hanging out, Cheek by jowl on a warm
Easter tuesday. Tiny Hassidic Jewish boys who look as should they have stepped out of 16th century rural Poland, Play sideways with equally tiny Arab girls in 12th century Yemeni chic covered up with the full headscarf. Here they hardly notice each other. with
Middle East they're killing various other. Context is almost everything,/p>
as time goes on, In the science Museum a cathedral celebrating collective human ingenuity the aisles are jammed with all sorts. you will find the typical Northern English machine nerd, In socks and sandals clutching his flask while he marvels at the actual Stephenson's Rocket. It can be easy to forget that at one time when England made everything. with him, An industrious Indian family is taking notes, Under the supervision of their Sariwearing, Hennahaired gran. and a few feet away, Three Chinese sons and daughters, head to feet in hollister's Southern Californian uniform, Are marvelling at a duplicate of Apollo 11,/p>
out side, The avenue are full, The place is teeming with life and you get the sense of fullon urban dynamism as countless migrants embark on the great human struggle of familial selfimprovement,/p>
its for these reasons cities exist. These places are the real theatres of dreams, Where thousands of people try to escape the confines of their origins and build a new life. Some show results extravagantly. for example,/p>
London is home to 32 billionaires according to Forbes, And more than half of these are not Londoners. in spite of this, As anyone who has witnessed Irish down and outs in a damp Finsbury Park Tube Station knows, metropolis can be unforgiving and hostile,/p>
Yet the point remains that the city absorbs all sorts and has been home to millions of Irish people in time. for example, Around six million Britons have an Irish grandfather or nanny (just about 10pc of the UK population). The majority of these people live in the Greater London area as well as the original Irish cities of
gatwick, Liverpool and around the economic heartland of the West Midlands,/p>
as we speak, 900,000 ethnic Irish people live working in london (12pc of the town's population). indicates close to one million people who were actually born in
Ireland live in london. Survey data puts quantity of Londoners claiming some Irish blood as much higher. and / or, remember, The figure for Irish people currently in London is rising and rising. with the 1,000 people a week jumping out of our country, is essential the majority head to London. On the Tube near west London, Irish accents are again. So it was a student in the 1950s and 1980s, And now again London welcomes the Irish, Embraces us and gives plenty of us a chance,/p>
But this is the nature of cities and that is cities are the essence of economics. Cities be connected people, promote people, Allow people to share ideas and put those ideas to work. This has been the case within history. places host ideas, Become self-indulgent, Reinvent themselves and can't be controlled for long stretches. that's the great Italian merchant cities spawned great art; It is why many kinds of purest Jewish sects fled Roman
Jerusalem for the desert to escape the decadence of the city, having its moneychangers, counterfeiters and prostitutes. It is why punk rock exploded out of London in the late 1970s and Hip Hop out of New York many years later. Cities are only concerned with pushing the boundaries and the human desire for selfexpression among the chaos of millions trying to live their lives and just get on with things,abercrombie and fitch,/p>
newcastle, among
Europe's most excellent megacities,abercrombie shop, is a great example of the power of cities where the best brains, The most curious people and the best possible human capital converge. Modern politicians understand the value of cities. It was a city decreasing 30 years ago with Brixton in flames and racial tensions simmering; Today it feels rejuvenated,/p>
Smaller cities like Dublin can study from London. this truth is, Europe's small cities are in competition with each other not just for tourism but for people and investment. If we create an atmosphere for the best people to come to work here, They always happen. To do this we must invest and continue to spend on stuff that appear ephemeral like culture and the arts. these are not the pursuits of the elite. Look at what actually transpired to
Bilbao when it picked up the Guggenheim. the actual brand of the city changed and tourism took off, More than paying back the energy production. A good arts happening can work wonders for a city just look at
Edinburgh perimeter. So too can a oneoff wearing event, for example the upcoming
UEFA Cup Final at Aviva stadium. the same goes for the visits of the queen and Obama these are showcase events, Which we should use to rebrand the actual,/p>
in summary, We must pay for fun. I know this sounds strange in a recession but the fact remains. The thriving European cities into the future won't be places of production; they shall be places of consumption. Once you throw people with each,abercrombie italia, they shall be creative, If you trigger it. We should aim to have more people living between the canals in a city where the open spaces are lived in and owned by all. This will be the start of our regeneration,/p>
While Dublin should never be a London, It will be the dynamo for the next chapter of the Irish economic story. The more open and appealing it is to all sorts, The better place this is,/p>

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