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PostPosted: Fri 7:29, 07 Jan 2011    Post subject: Tianjin New Technology Industrial Park, incentives

Jin Park tube [2009] 11
Chapter I General Provisions
To further enhance the first section of Tianjin New Technology Industrial Park (hereinafter referred to as High-tech Zone) capacity for independent innovation, accelerate the establishment of business-oriented, market-oriented research combining the industrial technology innovation system, according to "on the strengthening of independent innovation, to speed up Wa Industrial Court Opinions on economic development, "the relevant provisions of the development of this approach.
Second approach applies to high-tech zone management committee (hereinafter referred to as CMC) area for industrial and commercial registration, tax registration of enterprises and institutions.
Chapter II Construction and Development to support R & D
Third Tiao pair of world top 500 enterprises in high and new districts Yanfajigou Qiyerending by high-tech, high-tech Lingjunqiye 设立 right Guo Neiwai headquarters and research institutions, research institutes Sheli key national research institutions, and transformation of Gong Zuobing Congshiyanfa bear market and above the project level, and have been determined to give 500 million subsidy for R & D and industrialization.
Identified as the fourth of the country (key) Laboratory, National Engineering Laboratory, National Engineering (technology) research centers, state-level enterprise technical centers of enterprises and institutions, and commitment to project above the level of technology, and provide up to 100 million one-time funding. Identified as Tianjin Key Laboratory of engineering centers, enterprise technology centers of enterprises and institutions, and commitment above the level of science and technology project,Data convention outsourcing, and to give 30-50 million one-time funding.
Article around the leading industries,Help desk outsourcing, key enterprises development needs, the Council supported the establishment of high technology center district. Identified as high-tech zone of Enterprise Technology Center of enterprises and institutions, to give 10-20 million one-time financial support, and prior to applying for municipal enterprise technological centers.
Support the building of high-tech zones Article Laboratory. Laboratory is based on the relevant universities, research institutions and restructuring of key institutions established laboratory to industry-oriented applications, to serve as the goal, high-tech enterprises of high-tech zones and opening up, sharing of laboratory resources . Superiors Laboratory signed a cooperation agreement with CMC to determine the open content, service mode, fees and other specific matters. The certified Laboratory high-tech zones to give 30-50 million one-time financial support to carry out the service according to actual needs on a regular basis to give appropriate subsidies,healthcare outsourcing, the amount of annual subsidy for each laboratory no more than 20 million.
Article encourage enterprises and other social forces to establish and improve the industrial technology platform for high-tech enterprises in the zone to provide technical support, testing, training, documentation resources and other specialized services. Tech Industrial Development for the meet the needs of the industry's recognized technology platform, giving 30-100 million in operating funding.
Chapter support for technological innovation projects take
Article VIII commitment to key national projects and industrial projects of enterprises and institutions, according to the proportion of 100% up to 200 million grant matching funds; on the commitment to focus on projects in Tianjin and industrialization projects of enterprises and institutions, according to the proportion of 50% provide matching funds up to 100 million.
Article IX of the Tianjin High-tech SMEs access to finance technological innovation free-funded projects, each project to give 10 million funding for the year was awarded Ministry of Science and SME Technology Innovation Fund for financing the project, each project and then to give 5 million in funding; for without the Tianjin project, but access to Science and Technology SME Technology Innovation Fund for financing the project, give 10 million in funding.
Article X of the major national scientific and technological achievements into the implementation of the industrialization of high-tech zones, and give key support. According to the technological level of industrial projects, economic benefits and the actual demand, not to give each item a one-time funds to support more than 1000 million. Support in the form of free financing, investment shares and so on.
Chapter IV encourage research cooperation
Article XI encourage enterprises with universities and research institutes in various forms, there are clear mechanisms for cooperative R & D research cooperation. High-tech Zone on the inclusion of "key business development plan" and "little giant business growth plan," the focus of enterprises and research cooperation projects 10-30 million each given a one-time funding, funding per year for each carrier of a research cooperation project to support targeted at high-tech enterprises in the area.
Article XII of enterprises and organizations support the leading high-tech zones to establish various types of industrial technology alliances around common national strategic industry, the key technology for collaborative innovation. R & D activities under the Industrial Technology Alliance to carry out R & D results as well as the situation, to give 20-50 million R & D subsidies, subsidies targeted at high-tech enterprises in the area.
Chapter V Supplementary Provisions
Measures listed in Article XIII of the financing of the funds from the capital of independent innovation in high-tech zones are incurred. Implementation support funds earmarked for research and development activities, including equipment,Business process outsourcing, equipment purchase, installation, commissioning and library materials, purchase of raw materials and so on. On the illegal use of special funds and trickery to defraud the unit subsidy funds, the Council will recover the subsidy funds, and shall be prosecuted for the related responsibilities.
Article XIV of R & D institutions, industry, technology platform, Industrial Technology Alliance certification process and methods to support the funding application and further details of implementation procedures realized.
Article XV this approach by the management committee responsible for the interpretation, Science and Technology Bureau is responsible for organizing the implementation of this approach.
Article XVI of the way since April 12, 2009 shall come into force, valid until April 11,hospitality solution, 2014.

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