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PostPosted: Fri 9:00, 07 Jan 2011    Post subject: [Zyra e letrës Shtetit (2009) 9] në promov

State Council recently issued a "on the promotion of service outsourcing industry problems reply", Reply of the Ministry of Commerce jointly developed in conjunction with the relevant ministries to promote the development of service outsourcing policies and measures, approved by Beijing and other cities in 20 cities in China's service outsourcing model and implemented in 20 pilot cities to encourage and support a range of measures to speed up China's service outsourcing industry.
20 pilot cities are Beijing, Tianjin, Shanghai, Chongqing, Dalian, Shenzhen, Guangzhou, Wuhan,health care outsourcing, Harbin, Chengdu, Nanjing, Xi'an,Call centre outsourcing, Jinan, Hangzhou,Data convention outsourcing, Hefei, Nanchang, Changsha, Daqing, Suzhou, Wuxi.
According to the State Council's approval, will be implemented in these 20 cities the following policies:
Suzhou Industrial Park in the advanced technology service businesses continue to implement the pilot policy on tax basis, from January 1, 2009 until December 31, 2013 only,Mobile solution, to meet the conditions of advanced technology service company, reduced to 15% corporate income tax rate, advanced technology service outsourcing of offshore service outsourcing enterprises exempted from business tax;
Meet the conditions and management practices labor and employment service outsourcing enterprises with advanced technology, you can implement a special working time;
Meet the requirements of the advanced technology service outsourcing enterprises, each new hire a college education staff engaged in service outsourcing and signed more than 1 year labor contract, the central government to give businesses less than 4,500 yuan per person per training support, to meet the conditions training institutions training personnel engaged in service outsourcing business (college education), through the outsourcing of professional knowledge and skills training, assessment, and service outsourcing enterprises with more than 1 year labor contract signed, the central government to give training institutions are not more than 500 yuan per person training support;
The central government on service outsourcing model of urban public service platform for equipment purchase and operating costs and service outsourcing enterprises to create a brand, intellectual property protection, to participate in various related exhibitions inside and outside, international promotion, international qualification certification to obtain and provide necessary financial support, in Western National Economic and Technological Development Zone in the service outsourcing infrastructure project loans, the central government can be provided to enjoy the discount policy;
To encourage government and business through the purchase of services,healthcare outsourcing, etc., the data processing, outsourcing does not involve secrets to professional enterprises; formulate service outsourcing enterprises in product characteristics and needs of credit and insurance coverage. Approval also agreed to establish an international service outsourcing and service outsourcing talent pool of long-term mechanism for online recruitment, the establishment of service outsourcing research and industry organizations.
Ministry of Commerce of the State Council required relevant departments and local governments to strengthen the guidance and pilot services, the promotion of service outsourcing industry as the industrial structure adjustment and change foreign trade growth, increase employment opportunities for college graduates an important way.

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