Author Message
PostPosted: Sat 1:45, 15 Jan 2011    Post subject: A male friends mad a Nvwang! (Read not a stomach a

M: talk it? Girl: No
M: Why? Female: Busy
M: What are you doing? Female: Play
M: play? Woman: Game
M: What game? Female: Male
fun: What is the fun? Female: Male
trouble: trouble for chatted with me? Women: Get
M: to not clean,monster turbine! Female: by
M: Do you shoulder! Female: Male
ah court death: \br> M: You recognize sister Woman: Please
M: worship the can, do not de-F: I'm going crazy
M: I hit 120 F: Do you fairy
M: Do not superstitious woman: also people living
M: With me you will live a more exciting female: 555
M: three to five cigarettes is good, but the woman is harmful to health: Death to
M: I in Internet cafes,monster headphone, not go die Girl: Please, let me
M: Okay, tell me the phone number I will not say Female: No. Why should
M: Women's Day is coming
M: What do you like to spend ? Woman: I like two kinds of flowers.
M: Which two? I gave you! Female: money to spend, whatever flowers!
M: You're beautiful! Woman: There I was beautiful?
M: So much beauty :....
read not to switch. Family die out!

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