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PostPosted: Sat 19:46, 15 Jan 2011    Post subject: Pirates of the voluntary two men planting trees cu

After the verdict yesterday, the second instance, the two accused to the police immediately afforestation site, began to dig Pits. Figure

correspondent for Pirates of the voluntary planting trees 10 acres of forest thieves were suspended Judge: Criminal Cases Trial bold innovation

first instance, a fine of 3,000 yuan 4 years imprisonment, a fine of the second trial, five three-buffer 5 million

Information Times (news correspondent Lin Ye Han Yan Kwong Yu Xiao-Yong Huang Chenqian) 27 cubic meters for Pirates of the cut trees, Huizhou, and the villagers who will be strong first instance, Wei-Liang Chen was sentenced 4 years. Given two show repentance, and volunteered his 10 acres of tree planting and tree species to ensure that live, Huizhou Intermediate Court of second instance will be commuted to a fine of 5 million case and sentenced three years probation for 5 years. After the verdict yesterday, the second instance, the two police immediately sent to the planting site, the issue became a local \
March of this year, Huizhou City Village Wai Leong, who will be strong without the approval of the forestry sector, without hiring illegal logging baidunzi collective forest trees, and illegal sale. March 3, the two were arrested. Measured by the forestry sector, the range of 5.5 acres of logging slash, cut forest stock volume is 27 cubic meters. Hui District Court found that the two gang illegal felling of trees of all collective farm, a huge number of first instance sentenced the two felled tree to 4 years imprisonment and fined 3,000 yuan.
two against, the Huizhou Intermediate Court of Appeal. Hui District Procuratorate also believe that the number of illegal felling of trees not yet reached the \
During the second trial, Wei-Liang Chen, who will be strong to the judge repeatedly expressed the meaning of repentance, and expressed willingness to take practical action to make up for sin. Two written guarantee to the judge, willing to accept the damage to the tree five times the punishment, according to the geographical delineation of the forestry sector replant trees.
court of second instance that, according to the Supreme Court November 22,jade clearance, 2000 announced the \50 cubic meters or 1,000 to 2,000 young trees as a starting point. In Guangdong, the number of High Court has not established specific standards for the case law was correctly applied, and the defender of the protest organizations that are first-instance ruling and the law applicable to protest improper grounds of appeal against it.
view of the appellant, show repentance and commitment to plant trees in the forestry sector and to ensure the survival of the designated area, then make a revision of the two: both sentenced to imprisonment for illegal felling of trees 3 years, 5 years probation and fined 50,000 yuan.
by the forestry administration department of accounting, in accordance with the two trees cut down to 5 times the need to plant 500 trees. In accordance with the required land, 10 acres of the Forest as they planted trees in the forest area.
Judge: Criminal Cases Trial bold innovation

Information Times: This penalty is the way in the field of criminal justice is not a new breakthrough?
Huizhou, Chen Jian, President of the Court in a Criminal Court: the Court's handling of the case is indeed a bold innovation, so that criminals are penalties, economic sanctions, but also by labor punishment. The case is actually reducing the principal penalty trial, increasing the supplementary punishment shall be ordered to participate in social obligations. Approach tells us that the conclusion of the case on non-custodial sentence imposed in cases, but also consider the defendant shall be ordered to fulfill certain obligations, to the community against the offset to some extent, the criminal investigation is the best effect.
party: \
Wai Leong: Because of impulse in prison, I am sorry, after not doing criminal things. Now come out of prison, returned to freedom, I have to cherish the present life, give this mu mountain planted trees to make up for their sins, your heart Ye Hao by more.
Information Times: how to look for a second trial?
who will be strong: I not only had no opinion, and from the heart, we are very grateful to the court for clemency. Out and in prison are two completely different feelings. To be free, I must honor their commitments.
Information Times: How to prepare to honor their commitments?
Wai Leong: Forestry Department designated two of our 10 acres of land, to plant 500 trees, this number is not difficult for us both. The workload of the largest trees is to dig Pits, now we start digging, it is estimated to be dug a month. Wait until spring comes in March next year, two or three days we can finish planting seed. And we conduct frequent inspections to ensure that the seedlings grow. Us to see from the current physical condition to complete the promised no problem.

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