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PostPosted: Fri 9:02, 11 Feb 2011    Post subject: Shanghai introduced a new policy to accelerate dev

Outsourcing refers to the business of information services, application management and business processes such as business, contract to third-party service providers outside the enterprise to reduce costs, optimize the industrial chain, to enhance their core competitiveness. It is currently the subject of multinational corporations transfer of new forms of international services, producer services is the rapid development of Shanghai's new growth point. To seize opportunities, speed up the formation of the service economy's industrial structure, is to promote the development of Shanghai service outsourcing make the following observations:
First, raise awareness, clear goals and priorities of service outsourcing development
(A) to accelerate the development of increased awareness of the importance of service outsourcing. Actively undertake international service outsourcing, take the initiative to strengthen cooperation with the Shanghai international economy, an important starting point to upgrade the industry level, the Shanghai optimize trade structure, enhance the international competitiveness of the city an important way, Shanghai is speeding up development of producer services, better an important measure to serve the country.
(B) a clear development goals. The next few years, Shanghai will seize new round of international services to accelerate the transfer of the opportunity to focus on the development of international offshore service outsourcing business, accelerate the formation of the service economy's industrial structure, vigorously foster a number of intellectual property rights and brand, high value-added service capabilities of the service outsourcing enterprises, and actively build the Pudong New Area as the representative of national service outsourcing model areas, efforts to build Shanghai into a major global service outsourcing bases.
(C) to determine development priorities. Initiative to undertake offshore outsourcing within multinational companies, attract not only to undertake a global service outsourcing, but also to the regional headquarters of multinational companies and contract R & D center; to consolidate the current service market, accelerate the transition to high-end services market and further expand the service space ; focus on the development of software development outsourcing, R & D outsourcing, logistics outsourcing, and financial back-office services in areas such as Shanghai service outsourcing to enhance energy levels; great efforts to cultivate a number of well-known local service outsourcing enterprises, making the total to undertake an international offshore outsourcing services providers and The total contract domestic service outsourcing provider.
Second, focus on key areas and build service outsourcing park
(D) to carry out Shanghai service outsourcing work to identify the park. Meet the requirements of national and municipal software industrial base, or other industrial clustering,Data convention outsourcing, were identified by the relevant departments of the municipal government to start a group of Shanghai service outsourcing parks.
(E) optimization of spatial layout. Pudong national software export bases for the opportunity to vigorously promote software export Zhangjiang, biomedical research and development and demonstration base of financial back-office services, R & D service demonstration base Jinqiao Lujiazui demonstration base and information technology services information technology and logistics services Waigaoqiao demonstration bases. Subject to the conditions of the districts and counties to encourage the professional service industries concentrated area industrial parks or establishment of outsourcing industry base, each focusing on development of service outsourcing business, give full play to the regional characteristics of industrial clustering effect.
(F) Increase funding construction of the park service outsourcing support. Settled in the district of outsourcing services within the park famous corporate headquarters, R & D centers of options to build,healthcare outsourcing, buy or lease their own office space, provide appropriate subsidies. City, district and county levels of government to guide the establishment of the modern service industry funds to support the focus on service outsourcing park construction, park construction in the public service platform, the purchase of large equipment and specialized software for enterprises settled hire and give them financial support.
(Vii) to actively create a national service outsourcing model areas. To comprehensive reform of Pudong New Area as an opportunity to actively seek other countries in the Pudong New Area to carry out pilot work outsourcing in some areas of expansion of market access, improve foreign exchange management practices, innovation and talent training mechanism to actively explore, first try first .
Third, the support service outsourcing enterprises bigger and stronger and improve the international competitiveness
(H) further relax market access, for enterprises engaged in service outsourcing business to give pre-approval and registration of facilities. Does not involve pre-approval for businesses, the business sector will be based enterprise applications directly into their business scope approved in the "service outsourcing in �aa�"�� On the need for pre-approval, the relevant departments should simplify procedures, speed up the processing speed; in business after obtaining approval of relevant departments, the business sector in its approved business scope of "engaging in outsourcing services to facilitate business in accordance with international �aa�", practice to undertake outsourcing.
(Ix) to give special fund to support the service outsourcing enterprises. Support service outsourcing business for the city Department of Commerce R & D funding to support export-oriented enterprises, SMEs explore international market funds; adjust and optimize city spending of special funds to support local foreign trade structure, increase year by year to support the development of service outsourcing enterprises, the proportion of funds.
(J) the implementation of preferential policies for service outsourcing enterprises. Right city qualified service outsourcing enterprises, according to rules, enjoy high-tech achievements to promote and encourage development of software industry, stimulating independent innovation incentives such as 36; right city application service outsourcing enterprises Biaozhun international certification, the relevant industry competent authorities to give certification fee subsidy.
(K) to encourage service outsourcing enterprises with independent intellectual property rights. Will meet the conditions of service outsourcing enterprises as Shanghai IPR pilot and demonstration enterprises, and appropriate support; service outsourcing business will be significant social or economic benefits of intellectual property items included in the scope of government incentives to encourage independent innovation .
(Xii) to encourage enterprises to implement brand strategy. On service outsourcing enterprises to develop their own brand building, fostering the development of export brands, in line with relevant provisions of state and city, can enjoy the foreign trade development fund of funds arrangements, preferential policies for export of brand development; on the scale has been formed, with some well-known existing Outsourcing corporate brand, for protection.
(Xiii) to improve conditions for investment and financing service outsourcing enterprises. Zhichi medium-sized service outsourcing enterprises asset restructuring, mergers and acquisitions and domestic and foreign market; promote the city and county levels of security policy for the small and medium sized companies active service outsourcing enterprises with short-term capital loan guarantee.
(Xiv) to support enterprises to develop overseas markets. Continue to run the software outsourcing summit every year and actively participate in various domestic and international outsourcing of special exhibitions, vigorously carry out domestic and international publicity and promotion; use of the Government's existing overseas resources to promote student initiative, the establishment of foreign access packet networks.
(Xv) to provide quality Internet services. Encourage major telecom operators to increase bandwidth, optimize the data flow for the service outsourcing enterprises with diversified and personalized services, to further improve the quality of Internet services; a targeted Internet application business knowledge to carry out publicity and training to help enterprises choose outsourcing Internet services for their business.
Fourth,Business process outsourcing, accelerate the introduction of talents training, and build service outsourcing talents Heights
(XVI) to attract top talent gather Shanghai service outsourcing. Will need various types of outsourcing high-level talent in short supply listed in the "List of talent development in key areas"; on their bid to give extra points in Shanghai residence permit, the applicant household to preferential policies and apartments in the provision of personnel, streamline immigration procedures, etc. give convenient.
(Xvii) accelerate the outsourcing of professional talents. Guide the various institutions and the community at all levels of training institutions and courses related to set and carry out multi-level type of service outsourcing professional education.
(Xviii) Strengthening the service outsourcing talent shortage of vocational training. Shanghai Talent Development to expand the use of funds, support enterprises to establish the school personnel with comprehensive training outsourcing and experimental base; take full advantage of and enhance the existing public training base, strong outsourcing business development training for practical skills-based and entrepreneurial talent ; increase the field of service outsourcing development of much needed new jobs, each year a number of vocational training in the field of service outsourcing projects, the city workers to participate in service outsourcing market need and the training of the directory into the government subsidies, according to relevant regulations of the subsidy.
(Xix) the implementation of incentive mechanisms for service outsourcing talents. Park on the city engaged in service outsourcing outsourcing business, work more than a year and have made outstanding contributions to enterprise development in the senior personnel, the declaration and finds that in the city, district and county levels in the human resources development funds given to certain incentives.
Fifth, improve support services, and create a good environment for the development of service outsourcing
(Xx) the establishment of the joint meeting system. Led by the vice mayor in charge, Municipal Foreign Economic and Trade Commission, the Municipal Development and Reform Commission, the Municipal Economic Commission,hospitality solution, Municipal Informatization Commission, Science and Technology Commission, City Board of Education, City Finance Office, the Municipal Finance Bureau, the Municipal Personnel Bureau, Municipal Industrial and Commercial Bureau, the Municipal Intellectual Property Bureau, the Municipal Statistics Bureau, Municipal Labor and Social Security Bureau, the Municipal Social Service Bureau, the Municipal Telecommunications Administration, the State Administration of Foreign Exchange Shanghai Branch, Shanghai Customs, the Pudong New District Government and other departments and units responsible for the comrades, established to promote the development of Shanghai Service Outsourcing joint system, the Joint Economic and Trade Commission office is located in the city to coordinate the work forward.
(Xxi) to play the role of industry associations. Shanghai Modern Service Industry Association to encourage service outsourcing in the establishment of the Committee, and better information exchange within the industry to play the intermediary coordination, standard setting, standard self-regulation, market development, personnel training and so on.
(Xxii) to speed up government management model innovation. Further develop and improve the promotion of service outsourcing development rules and regulations, and improve the management of relevant industry standards and administrative law enforcement mechanism, promoting credit management, standardize the market order and improve the service quality.
(Xxiii) to strengthen protection of intellectual property management and services. IPR reporting and complaint centers set up city, severely punish IPR violations and violations. Intellectual Property Public Service Platform through the construction of service outsourcing enterprises to provide convenient, fast and professional intellectual property creation, protection, management and use of information services.
(Xxiv) the establishment of service outsourcing system of statistical indicators. According to the latest statistical standards, combined with Shanghai real, reflecting the outsourcing of development characteristics to establish the statistical index system, and pilot service outsourcing statistics system; strengthen the trend of outsourcing, the service outsourcing enterprises to provide market information services.
City departments, district and county governments to follow this advice, and further change the concept of unity of thinking,Call centre outsourcing, raise awareness, pay close attention to details of implementation to ensure that the views of the letter.

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