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PostPosted: Tue 10:22, 08 Mar 2011    Post subject: Aion Priest Classes - Introducing the Chanter

In the game of Aion, if you get your Priest up to Level 10 and get his wings you can choose for him to become a Chanter. The Chanter is a Daeva who is a master of attacking, healing,cheapest wow gold, and using enhancement magic. Chanters can also wield a Staff with the expertise that a swordsman has with the blade. The source of the Chanter's magical enhancement powers is the masterful use of mantras. Elysean Chanters follow Lady Yustiel, the Guardian of Life. Asmodian Chanters are in the service of Lord Marchutan,Buy FFXIV Gil, the Controller of Destiny. The Chanter's Mantras can be used to strengthen allies who are within the area of effect. The Chanter is also a highly effective melee combatant because of his astonishing Staff-wielding skill. However,FFXIV Gil, Chanters don't have the mana reserves of their counterpart Clerics or similar characters Sorcerers or Spiritmasters ,Cheap FFXIV Gil, so judicious use of their magic is a must for them. Nevertheless, their diversity of magical abilities is the greatest of all, and it includes aion gold buffing themselves and allies,FFXIV Gold,healing themselves and allies, and curing others. In fact, Chanters have the highest efficiency of buffing magic and recovery magic of any character class in Aion. For fighting by themselves (as well as within groups), Chanters can equip themselves with Chain Mail and a Shield. They can fend off or attack many enemies at once due to their powerful recovery aion power leveling magic. However, they don't have the great Attack power than can take down an enemy quickly--they must wear down an enemy. Therefore,Aion Gold, this character needs to be very careful about not taking on too many enemies at once-if they run out of their healing mana before they have completely worn down and defeated a foe, the outcome for them will not be good at all. Chanters who are going to find themselves on the defensive can use a mace to great defensive effect.

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