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PostPosted: Mon 13:35, 14 Mar 2011    Post subject: China Service Outsourcing Tianjin Training Center

On October 28th, 2009, the plaque for China Service Outsourcing Tianjin Training Center was unveiled at the TEDA Investment Service Center.
The Center was initiated based on the Letter of Intention for Jointly Establishing the China Service Outsourcing Tianjin Training Center signed between the Thousand-Hundred-Ten Project Working Group under the Ministry of Commerce (MOFCOM), the China Council for International Investment Promotion (CCIIP),health care outsourcing, and TEDA. It is by far the only service outsourcing training agency approved by the MOFCOM in China. Officially launched on September 23rd this year,Business process outsourcing, it plans to expand its annual enrollment to10,Mobile solution, 000 within three years.
Operating right for the Center triggered hot bidding competition among software and service outsourcees as well as IT training agencies. The final winner turned out to be ChinaSoft International (CSI). With a floor area of 6,hospitality solution,000 square meters (Phase I),Call centre outsourcing, the Center boasts first-class simulation training environment and is divided and decorated strictly according to the function requirement of the service outsourcing office zone of CSI so as to offer future trainees the first-hand experience about their future working environment and responsibilities. The Center mainly renders simulation training programs to college graduates majoring in software engineering as well as courses in business process outsourcing (BPO), IT services (ISO20000/ISO27001/CMMI) and particular techniques to engineers. It has an enrollment plan of 1,500 for 2009 and 10,000 by 2012.
Within three years time, the Center will be built into the biggest, most competitive, influential and market-friendly service outsourcing training center in Tianjin and the greater North China region.

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