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PostPosted: Wed 4:02, 23 Mar 2011    Post subject: Nanjing Won the Title of “The Base City of Servic

On Dec 25, 2006, at the ceremony of awarding The Base City of Service Outsourcing in China and the ceremony of signing the agreement on co-construction of service outsourcing base. Nanjing was officially awarded the title of The Base City of Service Outsourcing in China becoming one of the six cities in China that won this title in the second batch Jin Daoqiang,Software outsourcing companies, a member of Nanjing Municipal Standing Committee and deputy mayor, attended and addressed the awarding ceremony on behalf of the cities.
In the address, Jin Daoqiang said that the title of The Base City of Service Outsourcing in China being awarded to Nanjing represented not only the trust and affirmation in Nanjing's efforts but also the responsibility, and that as a new selected city, Naning would learn the advantages and experiences of other base cities, utilize its integrated advantages, strengthen on propaganda, organization, policy supports and working degree, speed up the cultivating of market subjects, promote the building of the demonstrate on districts of service outsourcing, and attract more multinational companies to transfer service outsourcing to Nan jing, so as to make Nanjing a service outsourcing base that is leading in China and plays great roles in the world.
Since 2006, Nanjing Municipal Committee and Municipal Government have regarded promoting the service outsourcing industry, especially the development of off-shore service outsourcing, as a great opportunity to transform the economic growth method and to develop the modern high-end service industries,Java outscourcing, and have constituted the plan for developing the service outsourcing industries as well as the supporting policies, strengthen the leadership and selected the key areas to develop. Being The Base City of Service Outsourcing in China, Nanjing will have a new platform and opportunity to improve its structure and level of foreign investment utilization and productive service industries, drive the building of the modern service industry center, increase its competitive edge in the global resource configuration and coordinate the sustainable development.
Nanjing has already presented its advantages as a modern service outsourcing base.
First, a development platform has been formed.
At present, Nanjing has five service outsourcing demonstration districts. They are the New and High Technology Industry Development Zone, Gulou District Xuanwu District, the Jiangning Economic Development Zone and Yuhuatai District Nanjing New and High Technology Industry Development Zone. Take building the software and service outsourcing base as well as the talent training base as its main goal, Gulou District has a well developed information technology industry, Xuanwu District has strong foundations for developing service outsourcing in culture industry such as animations, audio/video and publishing. Jiangning Economic Development Zone locates itself as Nanjing R&D centers for international companies, large software exporting and outsourcing and business flow outsourcing center. Yuhuatai District has built a technical and service cooperation platform with numerous home and abroad famous software enterprises and multinational companies.
Second, some developing subjects have been formed.
Nanjing has some enterprises with certain scales that have the ability to take up service outsourcing business. At present, Nanjing has 148 companies in the five demonstration districts that have engaged in or possess the conditions in taking up service outsourcing business, of which, 109 companies do business in software outsourcing. There are 1 3 companies that have the outsourcing size Of over million USD. In addition, the foreign R&D organizations of more than 20 world famous companies invested in Nanjing,Flex development, like Samsung,Sharepoint outsourcing, Lucent, IBM, Motorola, Microsoft and Siemens, have done business in service outsourcing.
Third, there is strong power in the development.
Nanjing has set up many Combined Fleets to develop the off-shore outsourcing market, for example, the Jiangsu Order Taking Center for Software and Modern Service outsourcing co-established by Jiangsu Provincial Government, the New and High Technology Zone and the leading software outsourcing companies in Jiangsu, and Nanjing Software Exporting Alliance co-established by many software re service outsourcing companies.
Fourth,Java development outsourcing, there is great potential in the development.
Nanjing has great strength in information technology development. In the recent 5 years, lT industry has become one of the most quickly developing industries in Nanjing with an average annual growth of about 30��. Both Jiangsu Provincial Government and Nanjing Municipal Government have clearly stated the strategic goal of building Nanjing into a Famous Software City in China. A Two-Park and Five-Base layout has already been formed up in the software industry development. Jiangsu Software Park and Nanjing Software Park, the two national software industry bases, will lead the development 0f the five software industry bases in Xuanwu , Gulou, Yuhua, Pukou and Jiangning.

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