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PostPosted: Wed 3:05, 30 Mar 2011    Post subject: embroidery digitizing the light came on and off

because in the end,digitized embroidery designs, the light came on and off,alphabet embroidery designs, but it no longer had Tape Digitizing the warmth and character it once possessed. This may not be important to some and I understand the economic arguments, but still I wonder why we allow our beautiful wonders to be eliminated one by one. A better scenario would be for the digitizing embroidery designs automated lighthouse to be run by the skilled lightkeeper,custom digitizing, to insure the automation did it’s deed, and to see to the detail automation overlooks.Automation is the future of our industry,embroidery digitizing, there is no point in battling this. Automation in the wrong hands will not serve the embroidery industry well in the long run. digitizing service grow our industry and keep it strong. Our mission is to build a pathway to the automated future without losing the thought and creativity only skilled designers can offer. This can only be accomplished through the development of the creative and technical skills of those who digitize.Digitizing 101 is my first attempt to build this pathway. It will be a pathway through nicely mowed grass

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